A Resolution Of The City Commission Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida, Authorizing The Appropriate City Officials To Accept 2016 U.S. Department Of Homeland Security Grant Funds From The City Of Miami In The Approximate Amount Of $18,000.00 To Perform Activities At The Request Of The Federal Government, In Conjunction With The City Of Miami, In Preparation For Or In Anticipation Of A Major Disaster Or Emergency Related To Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks; Further Authorizing The Appropriate City Officials To Execute The Memorandum Of Agreement With The City Of Miami (And All Other Applicable Sub-Grant Documents And Agreements); And Amending The Fiscal Year 2019 Operating Budget (R-2018-301).
Staff Recommends: Approval of the attached Resolution.
The Police Department has been authorized as a sub-grantee to receive the Preparing Communities for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks ("CCTA") Grant Program 2016 sub-grant funds in the approximate amount of $18,000.00 from the Department of Homeland Security to perform activities at the request of the federal government, in conjunction with the City of Miami, in preparation for or in anticipation of a major disaster or emergency related to complex coordinated terrorist attacks. As stipulated in the sub-grant award, the City of Miami is the lead administrative agency responsible for facilitating the expenditure and reimbursement of these funds to address the unique equipment, training, planning, exercise and operational needs specified in the sub-grant. The sub-grant funds must be used to defray the cost of expenses associated with the performance of activities in preparation for or in anticipation of a major disaster or emergency related to complex coordinated terrorist attacks. This includes purchasing or enhancing public safety and emergency management projects and equipment specified by the State of Florida Division of Emergency Management.
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