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File #: R-2020-114    Version: 1 Name: 2717 Van Buren Street
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 5/13/2020 In control: Office of Communications, Marketing & Economic Development
On agenda: 5/20/2020 Final action: 5/20/2020
Title: A Resolution Of The City Commission Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida, Awarding RFP-4640-20PB "Van Buren Street Redevelopment," To Prestigia Real Estate FJM, Inc., and Authorizing The Appropriate City Officials To Negotiate A Land Disposition And Development Agreement With Prestigia Real Estate FJM, Inc. For The Purchase and Redevelopment Of City-Owned Property Located at 2717 Van Buren Street.
Attachments: 1. RESO-Award of RFP for Van Buren Street.pdf, 2. Evaluation Commitee Scoring Matrix.pdf, 3. RFP- 2717 Van Buren Street Redevelopment Opportunity-FINAL.pdf, 4. Prestigia Real Estate FJM Inc_ Proposal.pdf


A Resolution Of The City Commission Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida, Awarding RFP-4640-20PB “Van Buren Street Redevelopment,” To Prestigia Real Estate FJM, Inc., and Authorizing The Appropriate City Officials To Negotiate A Land Disposition And Development Agreement With Prestigia Real Estate FJM, Inc. For The Purchase and Redevelopment Of City-Owned Property Located at 2717 Van Buren Street. 



Strategic Plan Focus

Economic Vitality





Staff Recommends:  Approval of Resolution.




The City owned property, located at 2717 Van Buren Street totaling approximately 1.88 acres, is currently being used as surface parking lot. In 2011 this parcel of land was included among the vacant and underutilized city-owned properties that were designated by the City Commission to be marketed for redevelopment as part of the Professional Sports and Entertainment Enterprise Program.  This program sought to encourage the redevelopment of City-owned properties to contribute to the economic vitality of the City.  While the City marketed this property both through online listings and through site opportunity materials throughout the years, there were not any proposals for redevelopment.


In October of 2016, the City completed the rezoning of the Regional Activity Center (RAC) which aligned the zoning in this area with the underlying land use.  This has resulted in increased development interest within the RAC.


On February 23, 2017, in order to support the redevelopment of the properties located at 2662 and 2700 Hollywood Boulevard, the City Commission approved a 15 year lease with CSM - Hollywood Equities, L.P. for 51 parking spaces to be used by the buildings tenants. 


Development interest in the 2717 Van Buren Street property increased in the summer and fall of 2019.  To address this growing interest in the redevelopment of the property and in accordance with the City’s Strategic Plan which prioritizes Economic Vitality and Quality of Life and Strong Neighborhoods as key focus areas, the City issued RFP-4640-20-PB titled “2717 Van Buren Street Redevelopment Opportunity” on February 20, 2020.


This RFP sought proposals from experience development firms to finance, develop, construct and manage an urban, residential or mixed-use project.  The RFP asked proposers to put forward an innovative, residential or mixed-use, market-driven concept that takes full advantage of the site adjacent to the businesses that front Hollywood Boulevard while complementing the primarily single family neighborhood that is immediately south of the parcel.


Ninety firms viewed the RFP, twenty firms downloaded the RFP documents and several firms participated in a pre-proposal information session. The original closing date of the RFP was extended by two weeks to 3:00 p.m. on April 6, 2020 due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.  The only proposal was received from Prestigia Real Estate FJM, Inc.


An evaluation committee, consisting of representatives from the Department of Development Services, including the Community Development and Planning Divisions, and the Office of Communications, Marketing & Economic Development, was convened on April 29, 2020 to review the proposal, hear from the proposer, and ask questions regarding the proposal.


The evaluation committee scored the proposal on the criteria included in the RFP.  The factors scored were: Qualifications, Experience, and Declarations; Development Plan; Financial Plan; Management Plan, and Financial Benefit to the City.  Prestigia Real Estate FJM, Inc. received a score of 468 out of 500 possible points.


The recommendation of the evaluation committee is to award RFP-4640-20-PB to Prestigia Real Estate FJM, Inc. and authorize staff to negotiate a Land Development and Disposition Agreement to be brought back to the City Commission for approval for the purchase and redevelopment of this property.



Fiscal Impact:

Revenue Impact

The potential revenue generated from the sale of this land is $1,200,000.00 coupled with an annual tax revenue of approximately $250,000.00, once the development is fully constructed and stabilized.  Additional analysis to determine the fiscal impact to the City will be conducted once the final amounts and terms are negotiated.



Recommended for inclusion on the agenda by:

Raelin Storey, Director of Communications, Marketing & Economic Development

Paul Bassar, Director of Procurement Services

Shiv Newaldass, Director of Development Services

Gus Zambrano, Assistant City Manager for Sustainable Development