A Resolution Of The City Commission Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida, Approving And Authorizing The Appropriate City Officials To Renew The Agreement With Circuit Transit Inc., Formally Known As The Free Ride, For Circulator Services Under The Same Terms And Conditions In An Estimated Annual Amount Of $885,360.00.
Strategic Plan Focus
Economic Vitality
Staff Recommends: Approval of the attached Resolution.
In partnership with the CRA, in 2018 the City Commission authorized execution of an agreement with Free Ride, now known as Circuit Transit Inc (R-2018-335 / R-CRA-2019-38) for an amount $885,360.00. Circuit Transit (CT) provides patrons free transportation services to and from Downtown Hollywood, Hollywood Beach, and the City's parking garages.
Over the last year the CT has provided an average of 11 service hours per day, per vehicle with the amount of vehicles increasing to about 10-12 being used regularly. CT continues to provide satisfactory service and has also been instrumental in providing essential service to residents during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The City and CRA have split the funding paying $763,938.14 City: $252,099.38 / CRA: $511,838.76 through March 2020 and jointly recommend renewal of the CT agreement for one year under the same terms and conditions, as authorized in the agreement. As such the City will pay 1/3 and the CRA will pay 2/3 of the annual amount.
Renewal of this agreement will be retroactive to March 5th since a 90 extension was granted by the City Manager.
Fiscal Impact:
Funding for this contract will be split as follows: CRA will contribute 2/3rd of costs from account numbers 163.638504.55200.548060.000000.000.000 and 166.668602.55200.548060.000000.000.000. The City will contribute the remaining 1/3 of the costs, which will be split between the Parking Division account number 446.150101.54500.531170.000000.000.000 and the Gas Tax Fund account number 336.140201.54100.531170.000000.000.000...
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