1. 2024_0304
| 1 | | 24-DP-08 / 2127 N State Road 7 | Planning - TAC | FILE NO.: 24-DP-08
LOCATION: 2127 N State Road 7
REQUEST: Design and Site Plan review for a mixed-use development, including 2500 sf. of commercial space and 36 residential units | | |
Not available
Not available
2. 2024_0304
| 1 | | 24-DP-14 / 2219 Lincoln LLC | Planning - TAC | FILE NO.: 24-DP-14
APPLICANT: 2219 Lincoln LLC
LOCATION: 2219 Lincoln Street
REQUEST: Design and Site Plan review for a 109-unit residential development | | |
Not available
Not available
3. 2024_0304
| 1 | | 23-DP-73 / OM Mixed-Use | Planning - TAC | FILE NO.: 23-DP-73
APPLICANT: Allen Konstam - Condra Property Group
LOCATION: 2007-2115 N. Ocean Dr. 309-341 Oklahoma St. 320-324 McKinley St 320-326 Nebraska St. 2012 Surf Rd.
REQUEST: Site Plan review for a mixed-use development with 139 residential units and 87 affordable units, and approx. 15,000 sq. ft. commercial, pursuant to Senate Bill 102 - Live Local Act (OM-Mixed Use Residential) | | |
Not available
Not available