1. 2024_0819
| 1 | | 24-DP-44 / 2700 Stirling Rd | Planning - TAC | FILE NO.: 24-DP-44
APPLICANT: Oakwood Plaza LP
LOCATION: 2700 Stirling Rd
REQUEST: Site Plan review for a new 2,187 sq. ft. restaurant in a Planned Development (PD) zoning district within the Oakwood Activity Center. | | |
Not available
Not available
2. 2024_0819
| 1 | | 24-DP-31 / 2800 Oakwood Boulevard | Planning - TAC | FILE NO.: 24-DP-31
APPLICANT: Oakwood Plaza LP & Oakwood Business Center LP
LOCATION: 2800 Oakwood Boulevard
REQUEST: Site Plan review for a commercial building of approximately 120,000 sq. ft. and associated parking areas in a Planned Development (PD) Zoning District within the Oakwood Activity Center. | | |
Not available
Not available
3. 2024_0819
| 1 | | 24-DP-38 / 3501 Johnson Street | Planning - TAC | FILE NO.: 24-DP-38
APPLICANT: South Broward Hospital District
LOCATION: 3501 Johnson Street
REQUEST: Site Plan review for an 8-story, 404,492 sq. ft. expansion of the Memorial Hospital facility with associated pick up/drop off facilities within the HD Zoning District. | | |
Not available
Not available