A Resolution Of The City Commission Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida, Ranking The Responses To The City's Notice Of Receipt Of An Unsolicited Proposal And Willingness To Accept Competing Proposals For The Redevelopment Of The City's Hollywood Beach Culture and Community Center, Adjacent Parking Lots and Recreational Areas, As Part Of A Public Private Partnership To Create New Public Facilities and Amenities Along With Private Facilities On The City-Owned Parcels Of Land Generally Located At 1301 South Ocean Drive Between Azalea Terrace And Bougainvillea Terrace; Authorizing The Appropriate City Officials To Negotiate A Comprehensive Agreement With PRH 1301 S Ocean Drive, LLC, wholly owned and controlled by The Related Group, As The Highest Ranked Firm.
Strategic Plan Focus
Economic Vitality
Staff Recommends: Approval of the Attached Resolution.
An unsolicited offer for the redevelopment of four City of Hollywood owned parcels generally located at 1301 South Ocean Drive in Hollywood, and more specifically comprised of folio numbers 514224020013, 514224010011, 514213030020 and 514224020010, was received by the City under the provisions of the State of Florida's Public-Private Partnerships (P3) Statute, F.S.S. 255.065. In accordance with the Statute, the City of Hollywood determined the proposal to be a qualified project serving a public purpose. In June of 2020, the City published the required notice of the receipt of an unsolicited proposal and the City's willingness to accept competing proposals for a public-private partnership for the redevelopment of the site. The City's real estate transaction advisory firm, CBRE, ensured that the opportunity was broadly marketed to achieve the most beneficial responses for the City and its taxpayers. The opportunity to submit competing proposals was first noticed on June 23, 2020 in the Florida Administrative Register and the South Florida Sun-Sentinel newspaper with all submissions due by ...
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