A Resolution Of The City Commission Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida, Updating The Comprehensive Schedule Of Fees.
Strategic Plan Focus
Financial Management & Administration
Staff Recommends: Approval of the attached Resolution.
The City, under various statutory provisions and the City Code of Ordinances, may set and collect fees for the cost of providing various public services to residents, businesses, and visitors.
On January 20, 2021, the City adopted R-2021-002, creating a Comprehensive Schedule of Fees, in an effort to set forth all fees established by the City in one document, in order to increase transparency and use for the general public, to provide for a more organized method for the review and revision of fees during the annual budget process and to facilitate a more easily accessible history of the status of the various fees of the City. The City has adopted a process to present an updated Comprehensive Schedule of Fees annually to the Commission.
During the process of establishing the Comprehensive Schedule of Fees for a given year, City Departments and Offices have an opportunity to review existing fees and analyze the cost of administering various programs and services. As a result of this review, several Departments and Offices would like to enact new fees and amend some of the existing fees.
Fees subject to the Consumer Price Index were increased by 4.89% for FY 2025, calculated as of February 2024, compared to February 2023 (the period used in the last update).
The proposed changes are provided along with corresponding page numbers to the Comprehensive Schedule of Fees. A detail of the changes is referenced in the FY 2025 Proposed Comprehensive Schedule of Fees.
1. New Fees
Department of Development Services - Planning and Urban Design:
Establish fees for Administrative Reviews and Art in Public Places. These fees are intended to capture the operational costs associated with providing these specific...
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