A Resolution Of The City Commission Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida, Approving And Authorizing The Appropriate City Officials To Execute An Authorization To Proceed For Work Order Number CDM 24-01 With CDM Smith, Inc. For Professional Engineering Services Related To Implementation Of The Stormwater Master Plan In An Amount Up To $350,000.00.
Strategic Plan Focus
Infrastructure & Facilities
Staff Recommends: Approval of the attached Resolution.
The Department of Public Utilities ("Department") has the responsibility for planning, regulating, designing, constructing, operating, and maintaining a stormwater system. The City's stormwater system is comprised of catch basins, drainage pipes, exfiltration trenches, outfalls, retaining ponds, and stormwater pump stations.
On October 7, 2020, pursuant to Resolution No. R-2020-255, the City Commission passed and adopted a resolution authorizing the appropriate City officials to negotiate a professional engineering services agreement with CDM Smith, Inc. ("CDM") to develop a Stormwater Master Plan ("SWMP"). CDM completed planning of the capital improvement program ("CIP") projects and other technical aspects for the resultant SWMP.
The Department has determined that engineering services are needed to support the implementation of the following SWMP related tasks:
* Financial rate sufficiency analysis and implementation
* Technical support for SWMP CIP project grant applications
* Short-term stormwater improvements to coordinate with the long-term SWMP
* Stormwater management project scopes and schedules for flood-prone areas
* Various SWMP-related permit applications
* Coordination with other municipalities on joint projects
* SWMP model training
* New technology and product evaluation
* Prioritization and evolving re-prioritization of CIP projects
* Miscellaneous financial analysis
* Support of project outreach and education at public meetings
* Preparation of technical letters, report...
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