A Resolution Of The City Commission Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida, Authorizing The Appropriate City Officials To Execute A Certain Purchase And Sale Agreement For The Former Sunset Golf Course, A Property Located At 2727 Johnson Street, With Richgreens LP ("Seller") And The City ("Buyer").
Strategic Plan Focus
Quality of Life & Strong Neighborhoods
Staff Recommends: Approval of the attached Resolution.
In response to requests from Hollywood residents to preserve as public open space, on December 5, 2018, the City Commission agreed to include the acquisition of 45.3 acres property located at 2727 Johnson Street ("Property") on a General Obligation Bond initiative question for voters.
The Property is one of the few large parcels of land in Hollywood that remains undeveloped and interest in development has made fewer opportunities for the preservation of open space.
Additionally, land prices are increasing at such a rate that acquisition of sites for open space may become prohibitive in the near future.
On March 12, 2019, City of Hollywood voters approved the $165,000,000.00 General Obligation Bond initiative.
The acquisition of the subject property was a significant component of the 2019 GO Bond Initiative in order to preserve open public space. On Wednesday February 19th, the City Commission heard a presentation regarding the possible acquisition of the property located at 2727 Johnson Street, also known as the former Sunset Golf Course. Per direction by members of the Commission, staff was tasked with finalizing a Purchase and Sale Agreement. Additionally, staff has been coordinating with consultants on assessing current site conditions against future responsibilities. The Purchase and Sale Agreement contemplates roles and responsibilities for work associated with a usable condition of the property before conveyance.
In assessing, a Purchase and Sale Agreement ("Agreement") is mutually beneficial to both parties ...
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