A Resolution Of The City Commission Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida, Authorizing The City Manager Or Designee To Execute Indemnification Agreements Or “Hold Harmless” Agreements For Purposes Of Fire Rescue And Beach Safety Department Training.
Strategic Plan Focus
Public Safety
Staff Recommends: Approval of the attached Resolution.
Realistic firefighter training presents a unique challenge as the activities can be destructive to the training props being used. On rare occasions, an opportunity may present itself when a structure is being scheduled for demolition or other reasons, and the owner of the structure allows Hollywood Fire Rescue members to train free of liability.
The Fire Service term for agreements allowing fire department training in public buildings is known as an “acquired structure”. The most common agreements contain indemnification provisions and current City policy dictates they receive Commission approval. Hollywood Fire Rescue is requesting approval for a resolution providing the City Manager (or his designee) the authority to sign such agreements to reduce time of approval as these opportunities disappear quickly. The Police Department currently has a similar plan in place to attain training approvals rapidly. The Fire Rescue Department Training Division would benefit greatly by being on the same footing as our Police Department partners.
Fiscal Impact:
Approval of this resolution will not fiscally impact the City.
Recommended for inclusion on the agenda by:
James Russo, Fire Chief
Chris O’Brien, Director of Public Safety