A Resolution Of The City Commission Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida, Approving And Authorizing The Appropriate City Officials To Execute A Contract With OMB, LLC, For FY 2019 Sidewalk Construction And Miscellaneous Road/Rights-Of-Way Maintenance Work In An Amount Not To Exceed $524,545.00.
Staff Recommends: Approval of the Attached Resolution.
The Architecture, Engineering and Mobility Division implements the sidewalk improvement projects adopted under the City's Capital Improvement Program to include the continuation of the 50/50 Shared Sidewalk Program, the ADA Sidewalk/Ramp Program, the CDBG Sidewalk Program, and the City Facilities Sidewalk Program. The 50/50 Shared Cost Sidewalk Program is a voluntary partnership project between the City and its residents that was established back in 2001. Residential property owners are able to utilize the City's contractor to perform and manage the sidewalk work, and pay upon completion or make monthly payments over a term of up to two years, reducing resident's financial burden to maintain the sidewalk infrastructure. Funding for the 50/50 Shared Cost Program is distributed throughout the City and is also supplemented at times by CDBG Funds for sidewalk improvement projects in eligible neighborhoods.
The Project was electronically advertised via BidSync in accordance with the City's Purchasing Ordinance, Section 38.42(A) on February 7, 2019. The project specifications were viewed online by eighty-seven (87) vendors and twenty-one (21) of the vendors downloaded the specifications. A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting was held on February 26, 2019. Four (4) bid submittals were received and publicly opened on March 6, 2019. The tabulation of the bids received is attached.
City staff has reviewed all bids submitted and determined the bid submitted by OMB, LLC to be the lowest responsive and responsible bid, and therefore, recommends award of the contract in the amount of $524,545.00.
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