A Resolution Of The City Commission Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida, Authorizing The Appropriate City Officials To Execute A Purchase Order With Beach Raker, LLC For Emergency Seaweed Removal In The Amount Of $36,000.00; Providing For A Total Cost Of $72,000.00 To Be Shared Equally By The City and CRA.
Staff Recommends: Approval of the attached Resolution.
Seaweed accumulation along Hollywood Beach has been unparalleled.
The Director of Public Works and the Director of Procurement and Contract Compliance concurs that the excessive seaweed accumulation falls within the parameters of emergency conditions as it has impacted City Operations as well as the preservation and protection of property and the health or safety of the public.
Procurement code 38.40 C.1 Emergency Purchases allows for the City Manager to waive a competitive process where immediate action is required.
A quote was obtained from Beach Raker, LLC to assist with immediate removal of seaweed for two (2) months.
Beach Maintenance staff is currently transporting seaweed that is removed from the beach to the Public Works compound where it is allowed to decompose and disposed of appropriately. Staff is researching alternative use of this material, as well.
Beach Raker, LLC has performed Seaweed removal services throughout southern Florida in a satisfactory manner.
Cost for this effort will be split between the City and the CRA equally.
Follow up beach cleanup services will be sought through a competitive bidding process.
Recommended for inclusion on the agenda by:
Sylvia Glazer, Public Works, Director
George R. Keller, Jr., CPPT, Assistant City Manager, Public Safety