A Resolution Of The Hollywood, Florida Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA"), Authorizing The Appropriate CRA Officials To Execute A Phase II Construction Services Agreement With Burkhardt Construction, Inc. To Provide Construction Management At Risk Services Through Their Continuing Services Agreement For The Harrison Street Streetscape Project In An Amount Not To Exceed $5,555,813.38 That Includes The Direct Purchase Of Construction Materials By The CRA In An Estimate Amount Of $789,000.00; Authorizing The Expenditure Of Funds For Permit Fees In An Amount Not To Exceed $283,000.00; Authorizing The CRA Executive Director To Execute All Applicable Agreements And Documents To Implement The Project.
Strategic Plan Focus
Infrastructure & Facilities
Staff Recommends: Approval of the attached Resolution.
The Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") desires certain enhancements to Harrison Street between North 21st Avenue and State Road 5 (Young Circle/Federal Highway/US1), 20th and 19th Avenues between Harrison Street and Van Buren Street and 21st Avenue between Hollywood Boulevard and Van Buren Street to improve the downtown core aesthetics, promote redevelopment and improve the pedestrian experience.
The CRA's Harrison Street Streetscape Project ("Project") includes the construction of hardscape, lighting, landscape, irrigation and roadway improvements within the public right of way of the Downtown District. The enhanced improvements for the Project will be in alignment with the design and materials utilized in the recently completed Hollywood Boulevard reconstructed streetscape
On October 24, 2022, the CRA issued Request for Qualifications No. RFQ 005-23-GJ to provide construction management at risk services through continuing services agreements for the Downtown and Beach Districts of the CRA.
On March 1, 2023, the CRA Board passed and adopted Resolution No. R-CRA-2023-12, authorizing the appropriate CRA officials to negotiate ...
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