A Resolution Of The City Commission Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida, Authorizing A State Revolving Fund Clean Water Program Loan Application For $1,173,714.38 For Capitalized Interest And Loan Service Fees For Funding Of The Ocean Outfall Regulatory Compliance Phase II - Deep Injection Wells Nos. 3 And 4 Pump Station Project; Authorizing The Appropriate City Officials To Authorize Additional Funding For Said Program; Establishing Pledged Revenues; Designating Authorized Representatives; Providing Assurances.
Strategic Plan Focus
Infrastructure & Facilites
Staff Recommends: Approval of the attached Resolution.
The Department of Public Utilities ("Department") operates the 55.5 million-gallon per day Southern Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant ("SRWWTP"). The SRWWTP uses multiple processes to treat wastewater and produce high-quality effluent. Treated effluent is currently discharged into existing Deep Injection Wells (IW's) Nos. 1 and 2, or the Ocean Outfall. Due to the passage of Ocean Outfall Legislation in 2008, disposal to the Atlantic Ocean Outfall will no longer be an option past the year 2024.
After assessing the other effluent disposal options, it was determined that adding two additional IW's and a pump station was the best choice to address future SRWWTP needs. Phase I of the project included the design and construction of the two new IW's (Nos. 3 and 4). The engineering firm of Brown and Caldwell was contracted to provide project engineering services, and Youngquist Brothers, Inc. was awarded the construction contract. Construction of the new wells was completed on March 24, 2022. The well installations were funded using a combination of Florida Department of Environmental Protection ("FDEP") Clean and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund ("SRF") loans. Funding was authorized via R-2019-094 and R-2019-244.
Phase II of this project is to add a Pump Station to convey effluent down these new IW's. The total l...
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