Presentation By Christopher Roschek, Chief Resiliency Officer, Regarding The Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report For Calendar Years 2019 And 2021.
Strategic Plan Focus
Resilience & Sustainability
Staff Recommends: Presentation
City staff would provide a presentation to update the City Commission regarding the completion and results of the Greenhouse Gas Inventory report.
The City contracted ICLEI in 2023 to complete community-wide and local government greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories for the calendar years 2019 and 2021. Many jurisdictions complete these inventories every 2-5 years and 2020 was an unusual year due to the Covid pandemic. Furthermore, the Southeast Florida Climate Change Compact is completing regional GHG inventories for the same years. Thus, Hollywood's data will be able to be compared with the region.
The inventories demonstrated that total community-wide emissions decreased by almost 7% and local government emissions decreased by nearly 8% between 2019 and 2021. The decline in local government emissions can be attributed in part to switching to LED streetlights and increasing energy efficiency in City buildings. Community-wide emissions decreased thanks to a slight decline in energy use at commercial properties and fewer emissions from transportation. The City's Sun Shuttle on-demand electric shuttle service, which began in 2019, helps contribute to this decline as it moves more people and has fewer emissions per mile traveled than a gas vehicle. As use of this service continues to increase, along with greater use of other mass transit and alternative mobility options as well as electric vehicles replacing gas vehicles, community-wide emissions will continue to decrease. As the City progresses on the goals in the Sustainability Action Plan and embarks on a Net Zero strategy with Broward County, the City anticipates continued reductions in GHG emissions both community-wide and from local government operations.
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