A Resolution Of The City Commission Of the City Of Hollywood, Florida, Approving And Authorizing The Issuance Of A Blanket Purchase Order To T2 Systems Canada, Inc. For The Purchase, Installation, Web Hosting Services And Extended Warranty For 27 Multi Space Pay Stations In An Estimated Amount Of $248,859.00.
Staff Recommends: Approval of the attached Resolution.
The Parking Division requires the purchase, installation and maintenance of 27 Luke 2 Pay By Plate Multi-Space Pay Stations, accessories, web hosting services, Extend-by-Phone services and extended warranty for the Nebraska Garage and other locations in downtown Hollywood.
The requested Luke 2 Pay By Plate Multi-space Pay Stations is available through the City of Miami Beach RFP No. 46-10-11, which was competitively bid and awarded to Digital Payment Technologies Corporation, now conducting business as T2 Systems Canada, Inc. T2 Systems has agreed to furnish the City with 27 Luke 2 Pay By Plate Multi-space Pay Stations, maintenance, web hosting services and warranty based upon the City of Miami Beach contract pricing.
Section 38.40 (C)(5) of the Purchasing Ordinance allows the Director to procure, without following formal procedures, all goods and services which are subject of contracts with the state, its political subdivisions, the United States government, other governmental entities, or a corporation not for profit whose members are governmental entities, public officers, or any combination thereof, provided however, the goods and services are: (i) the subject of a price schedule negotiated by the state or the United States government, or (ii) the subject of a contract with another governmental entity or a corporation not for profit whose members are governmental entities, public officers, or any combination thereof, which contract is based strictly on competitive bids or competitive proposals and not on any preference.
Significant benefits in customer convenience, st...
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