An Ordinance Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida, Creating Chapter 30, “City Policies, Generally,” Sections 30.20, 30.21 And 30.22 Regarding Limitation On Sale, Lease Or Purchase Of City-Owned Real Property.
Strategic Plan Focus
Economic Vitality
Staff Recommends: Approval of the attached Ordinance.
On October 1, 2024, the City Commission passed on first reading an emergency ordinance pertaining to the limitation on the sale, lease or purchase of City-owned real property. This measure, if passed on second reading, will effectuate the changes proposed by the Charter Review Committee to Article XIII of the City Charter, and will remain in effect until a Charter Question regarding the identical provisions is considered by the City electorate during the November 4, 2026 election.
Fiscal Impact:
Approval of this Ordinance will not fiscally impact the City.
Recommended for inclusion on the agenda by:
Douglas R. Gonzales, City Attorney