A Resolution Of The City Commission Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida, Authorizing The Appropriate City Officials To Execute A Hold Harmless Agreement Indemnifying AFSCME, Local 2432, And The General Employees Pension Board For Claims Arising Out Of Correction Of Scrivener's Error.
Staff Recommends: Approval of the Resolution.
AFSCME Local 2432 (the "Union"), and the City of Hollywood, Florida (the "City") are in the process of finalizing three new collective bargaining agreements (one for each of the three bargaining units represented by the Union - the General Employees, the Professional Employees, and the Supervisory Employees Bargaining Units) that will cover the period from October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2020.
In the course of bargaining over changes to retirement benefits, the parties discovered what appears to be a scrivener's error in the current pension plan that would entitle certain non-general fund employees to receive a pension based, in part, on a 3% multiplier for a limited period of time, when the parties agree that the multiplier should be 2.5%. The parties wish to correct this scrivener's error, but the Union has expressed a concern that one or more individuals who would be entitled to the 3% multiplier under a literal reading of the pension plan may challenge (i) any attempt by the parties, as a part of the current collective bargaining negotiations, to correct the scrivener's error and (ii) any application by the Board of Trustees of the Employees Retirement Fund (the "Pension Board") of a 2.5% multiplier instead of a 3% multiplier pursuant to the correction of the scrivener's as a part of the current collective bargaining negotiations. The Union has indicated its willingness to support the correction of the scrivener's error if the City indemnifies the Union and the Pension Board.
Recommended for inclusion on the agenda by:
George R. Keller, Jr., Assistant City Manager for Public Safety
Douglas R. Gonza...
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