A Resolution Of The Hollywood, Florida, Community Redevelopment Agency (“CRA”), Authorizing The Appropriate CRA Officials To Execute An Amendment To The Phase IV Project’s GMP With Burkhardt Construction Inc. For The Construction Of The Keating Park Project In An Amount Not To Exceed $1,373,552.00, To Increase The Agreement Amount From $48,277,581.36 To $49,651,133.36; Authorizing The CRA Executive Director To Execute All Applicable Agreements And Documents To Implement The Project.
Strategic Plan Focus
Infrastructure & Facilities
Staff Recommends: Approval of the attached Resolution.
The Hollywood Beach Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") Plan (“Plan) identified the need to eliminate slum and blight by improving circulation for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists, and to underground the overhead utilities lines. The Plan includes the conversion of overhead utility lines to underground within the public right of way of the Beach District.
Due to sea level rise, Phase IV Undergrounding of Overhead Utilities and Streetscape Beautification (“Phase IV”) includes the elevation of roadways and harmonization of private properties and the new inlets and drainage infrastructure to provide long term protection from the impacts of sea level rise and weather events. The CRA directed staff to proceed with Streetscape Improvements and Undergrounding from Hollywood Boulevard to the Southern City limits, which includes the east west streets from Harrison Street to Magnolia Terrace, Surf Road, the Streetends, and harmonization to private properties from State Road A1A to the west right of way line of the Broadwalk and State Road A1A, from Hollywood Boulevard to the southern City limits.
On June 3, 2020, the CRA Board passed and adopted Resolution No. R-BCRA-2020-20, which authorized Kimley-Horn and Associates to provide consulting services for the design of Phase IV for both the E/W Streets and State Road A1A from Hollywood Boulevard to the Southern City limits.
Keating Park is located at 301 Magnolia Terrace and is a beachfront park in Hollywood's South Beach area located within the Phase IV Project boundaries. The current restroom facility was built in 1978 and the building is outdated with localized structural deficiencies, which require repairs.
On February 6, 2019, pursuant to Resolution No. R-CRA-2019-09, the Board authorized the appropriate CRA Officials to negotiate and execute contracts with four Architectural and Engineering firms selected to provide Professional Engineering Services, including Kimley-Horn & Associated (“Kimley-Horn”). And on June 3, 2020, pursuant to Resolution No. R-BCRA-2020-20, Kimley-Horn was hired to complete an assessment as part of their professional engineering services under the Phase IV Streetscape and A1A project. The assessment report concluded the building should be closed pending structural shoring and repairs
On March 2, 2022, the Community Redevelopment Agency (“CRA”) Board instructed CRA staff to investigate the cost and feasibility of either building a new restroom or renovating the existing restroom facility, pavilion structure, and park masterplan. Pursuant to Resolution No. R-CRA-2022-08, the CRA Board authorized the appropriate CRA officials to negotiate and execute contracts with five Architectural and Engineering firms selected to provide Architectural and Engineering services for the CRA, including Song & Associates, Inc. (“Song & Associates”). CRA staff, City staff, Song & Associates, and Song & Associate’s consultant worked together to refine the schematic design for the restroom facility and pavilion renovation along with the park masterplan related to the Keating Park Project.
On December 7, 2022, CRA Board passed and adopted Resolution R-CRA-2022-62, authorizing the appropriate CRA officials to execute an Agreement with Song & Associates for the restroom facility and pavilion renovation along with the park masterplan for the Keating Park Project.
On January 18, 2023, the CRA Board passed and adopted Resolution R-BCRA-2023-01, authorizing the appropriate CRA officials to execute an Agreement with Burkhardt Construction, Inc. (Burkhardt) for Phase I Preconstruction Services for the Phase IV undergrounding of overhead utilities and streetscape beautification in an amount not to exceed $159,820.00.
On December 6, 2023, the CRA Board passed and adopted Resolution R-CRA-2023-61, authorizing the appropriate CRA officials to approve Burkhardt’s Guarantee Maximum Price (“GMP”) for Phase II Construction Services for the Phase IV project in an amount up to $48,277,581.36 which includes 18 E/W Streets, Surf Road, Streetends, private property harmonization and the undergrounding of overhead utilities.
Burkhardt subsequently submitted a Guarantee Maximum Price (“GMP”) for Construction Services for the Keating Park project located at Magnolia Terrace in an amount up to $1,435,663.00.
CRA desires to issue a change order to increase the contract amount from $48,277,581.36 to $49,713,244.36 to include the Keating Park project scope as part of the Phase IV project GMP. It is in the best interest of the CRA to approve this change order to avoid multiple contractors on the site, and the contractor can begin construction of the project’s scope including significant structural repairs needed at the restroom facilities as soon as possible so they may complete construction of the project in a timely manner.
Fiscal Impact:
Funding for this project is available in account number 163.639901.55200.563010.001235.000.000 - Underground Ph 4 (East/West Streets).
Recommended for inclusion on the agenda by:
Jorge Camejo, CRA Executive Director