A Resolution Of The City Commission Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida, Authorizing The Appropriate City Officials To Execute A Purchase Agreement And Maintenance Agreement With Express Radio, Inc., For The Purchase And Five Year Maintenance Of A Local Government UHF Radio System In An Initial Amount Not To Exceed $850,000.00 And A Recurring Annual Amount Not To Exceed $50,000.00 For Four Additional Years.
Staff Recommends: Approval of the attached Resolution.
The City Commission approved Resolutions R-2003-387 and R-2014-076 which authorized the appropriate City officials to execute agreements with Motorola, Inc. for the acquisition of appropriate and compatible subscriber units (handheld radios) and accessories for public safety (Police and Fire) and non-public safety (Local Government) use. These radios were purchased to work with Broward County’s radio infrastructure. The radios are owned by the City, but the infrastructure is owned and managed by Broward County.
Until their proposed 2019 Radio infrastructure upgrade, Broward County had provided the use of its radio system infrastructure for both Public Safety and Local Government. The proposed Broward County radio system will only support Hollywood’s Public Safety users. The City’s Local Government radios will no longer be supported, managed or maintained by the Broward County Office of Regional Communications and Technology.
The Information Technology Department, in coordination with City departments’ radio users, have deemed it necessary to purchase, support, and maintain its own Local Government UHF Radio System to ensure adequate communication.
The requested purchase is available from the authorized Motorola partner, Express Radios, Inc. and pricing and warranty has been extended to the City of Hollywood based on the Broward County LGRS Motorola Contract No. 12-29077/JHJ with Motorola.
The Information Technology Department evaluated four options before presenting this fifth option to City departments. These include:
1) Utilizing cell phones as a radio alternative, however, cell service is not dependable during emergencies.
2) Assuming responsibility for and utilizing Broward's 20 year old, Hollywood specific infrastructure, however, we do not want to inherit the issues and costs that Broward is facing.
3) Utilizing similar technology to Broward's proposed radio expansion, however, this was 3-4 times the cost of this proposed system.
4) Utilizing Broward’s refreshed local government system, however, their design could not accommodate the additional load from Hollywood.
5) Utilizing the proposed method.
This method was deemed as the most appropriate; it was the most cost effective, reliable, and appropriate, as it supported City needs without unnecessary costs.
This project, as mentioned, is focused on local government, and has no association with the ongoing tower based discussions for public safety. The local government (Parking, Public Works, Public Utilities, etc.) radio system would make use of existing infrastructure within the City.
Expected costs are not to exceed $850,000 for initial set-up. The expected recurring maintenance costs are not to exceed $50,000 in years 2 through 5. The maintenance contract is for 5 years, with no automatic renewals.
Recommended for inclusion on the agenda by:
Raheem Seecharan, Director, Information Technology
Paul A. Bassar, Director of Procurement & Contract Compliance
Adam Reichbach, Assistant City Manager for Finance & Administration