A Resolution Of The City Commission Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida, Approving And Authorizing The Appropriate City Officials To Execute An Interlocal Agreement With The Hollywood Community Redevelopment Agency (“CRA”) For Reimbursement To The CRA In An Amount Up To $12,200,491.00 For Work Associated With The CRA’s Coastal Roadway Resiliency Phase IV Project From Harrison Street To Magnolia Terrace And From State Road A1A To The Broadwalk.
Strategic Plan Focus
Resilience & Sustainability
Staff Recommends: Approval of attached Resolution.
The CRA finds the need to address the flooding conditions on the barrier island. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (“FDEP”) has adopted the Resilient Florida Grant Program and the City, on behalf of the CRA, applied for this grant in a total aggregate amount not to exceed $28,000,000.00.
On July 19, 2023, FDEP awarded the City a grant for the Hollywood Coastal Roadway Resiliency Phase IV Project in the amount of $12,200,491.00 with a 50% match, and on December 1, 2023, the FDEP Standard Grant Agreement was executed by the State and the City.
On July 3, 2024, both the City Commission and the CRA passed and adopted Resolutions R-2024-230 and R-CRA-2024-29 respectively, ratifying the submission of an application to the FDEP Resilient Florida Grant Program for the Hollywood Coastal Roadway Resiliency Phase IV Project, in an amount up to $28,000,000.00 with the required 50% in matching funds contribution from the CRA.
The Assistant City Manager for Sustainable Development and the CRA Executive Director recommend that the City Commission authorize the appropriate City officials to execute an Interlocal Agreement for repayment of the State grant reimbursement to the City for the construction costs paid by the CRA to implement the scope associated with the Hollywood Coastal Roadway Resiliency Phase IV Project, in an amount up to $12,200,491.00.
Fiscal Impact:
Funding for this project was included in the CRA FY 2025 Capital Improvement Plan and is available in account numbers 163.639901.55200.563010.001884.000.000 and 163.639901.55200.560003.001884.000.000.
Recommended for inclusion on the agenda by:
Tymira Mack, Grants Administrator
Gus Zambrano, Assistant City Manager for Sustainable Development