A Resolution Of The Hollywood, Florida Community Redevelopment Agency (“CRA”), Authorizing The Appropriate CRA Officials To Execute A Blanket Purchase Agreement With JCR Mechanical Contractor, Inc. For Charnow Park And ArtsPark At Young Circle Splashpad And Fountain Maintenance Services In An Annual Amount Up To $109,560.00.
Strategic Plan Focus
Infrastructure & Facilities
Staff Recommends: Approval of the attached Resolution.
The CRA desires to secure a qualified vendor to provide splashpad and fountain maintenance services at Charnow Park and at the ArtsPark at Young Circle (“Services”). The required Services includes repairing the fountain and splashpads on an as needed basis.
The vendor is responsible for furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, incidentals and public safety equipment to perform maintenance on the fountain. As well as being responsible for cost of parts, components, and materials used for repairs.
Section 38.43 of the Procurement Code states that when the estimated annual cost of goods, supplies, materials, equipment, or services exceeds $50,000.00, a formal solicitation process shall be completed that may result in a written contract(s) and/or purchase order(s) after due public notice inviting bids or proposals.
On July 23, 2024, Invitation to Bid No. IFB-222-24-GJ (“IFB”) was electronically advertised on OpenGov.com to solicit the desired services in accordance with Section 38.43(A) of the Procurement Code. The IFB resulted in bids from the following two vendors by the bid response due date:
JCR Mechanical Contractor, Inc. (Hialeah, Florida) $109,560.00
Ragonese Group, Inc. (Deerfield Beach, Florida) $123,740.00
JCR Mechanical Contractor, Inc. (“JCR”) was determined to be the most responsive and responsible bidder. The CRA Executive Director recommends that the CRA Board authorize the issuance of a Blanket Purchase Agreement (“BPA”) with JCR, for an initial term of two years with an option to renew for two additional two-year periods to provide the Services.
Fiscal Impact:
Funding for this expense has been appropriated in the FY 2025 Operating Budget and exists in account number(s) 163.638507.55200.531170.000000.000.000 and 166.669901.55200.552010.000128.000.000.
Recommended for inclusion on the agenda by:
Jorge Camejo, Executive Director