A Resolution Of The City Commission Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida, Approving And Authorizing The Appropriate City Officials To Execute A Construction Management At Risk Phase II Construction Services Agreement With State Contracting & Engineering Corporation To Provide Construction Management At Risk Services For The Hollywood Beach Clubhouse/Community Center Project, A General Obligation Bond Project, For An Amount Up To $10,440,293.00.
Strategic Plan Focus
Infrastructure & Facilities
Staff Recommends: Approval of the attached Resolution.
The Hollywood Beach Golf Course Clubhouse, a General Obligation Bond project, is currently in the construction phase. Given the specialty and blended scope of skill sets required to complete the entire scope of this project, we procured the vertical construction, such as clubhouse, cart barns, bathrooms, maintenance building, and other miscellaneous scopes separately from the Golf Course Construction. As a result, the scope of work included in the Guaranteed Maximum Price (“GMP”) include various golf course facilities like the maintenance building renovation, cart barn, and restroom renovation.
On May 1, 2024, the City Commission passed and adopted Resolution No. R-2024-148 authorizing City officials to negotiate and execute a Phase I Preconstruction Services Agreement with State Contracting & Engineering Corp (“State Contracting”) to provide Construction Management at Risk services for the Hollywood Beach Clubhouse/Community Center Project.
On May 22, 2024, a Phase I Pre-Construction Services Agreement was executed with State Contracting for the Hollywood Beach Clubhouse/Community Center Project in an amount not to exceed of $25,000.00.
State Contracting completed the Phase I scope of services and provided a City a GMP proposal for the project.
On July 3, 2024, the City Commission Adopted passed and adopted Resolution No. R-2024-256, authorizing City Officials to execute a Phase II Construction Management at Risk Phase II Construction Services Agreement with State Contracting for an early release construction package for a total GMP in an amount not to exceed $917,996.00.
The GMP for the early release package was executed to expedite procurement of long lead items, civil utilities, switch gear, light fixtures, earthwork, shop drawings and building information modeling with the goal of expediting construction start and timely delivery of critical equipment to support construction schedule.
The Department of Design and Construction Management negotiated the GMP proposal, for the remaining scope of work, with State Contracting for the Hollywood Beach Clubhouse/Community Center Project in an amount up to $10,440,293.00, which staff has determined to be fair and reasonable and in accordance with industry standards.
The Director of DCM recommends that City Commission authorize the appropriate City officials to execute a Construction Management at Risk Phase II Construction Services Agreement with State Contracting for the Hollywood Beach Clubhouse/Community Center project, in an amount not to exceed $10,440,293.00.
Fiscal Impact:
A portion of the funding for this project was included in the amended FY 2025 Capital Improvement Plan, and is available in account numbers 333.309901.57200.531210.001194.000.000, 333.309901.57200.563010.001194.000.000, and 337.309901.57200.531210.001194.000.000.
There is a companion resolution (budget amendment) that will allocate additional funding in account numbers to be determined for the construction services agreement for the Hollywood Beach Clubhouse/Community Center project.
Recommended for inclusion on the agenda by:
Otis Thomas, Director of Procurement and Contract Compliance
Jose Cortes, Director, Design and Construction Management
Gus Zambrano, AICP, Assistant City Manager