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File #: PO-2020-07    Version: Name: Utilities- Planning and Urban Design
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 2/4/2020 In control: Regular City Commission Meeting
On agenda: 10/7/2020 Final action: 10/7/2020
Title: An Ordinance Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida, Amending The City's Adopted Comprehensive Plan By Amending The Potable Water Sub-Element Of The Utilities Element And Updating The Water Supply Plan In Accordance With Section 163.3177(6)(C)3, Florida Statutes. (19-T-82)
Attachments: 1. 19T82_CC_Utilities Update Ordinance, 2. Exhibit A - 2020 Water Supply Plan and Updates to the Potable water Sub-Element of the Comprehensive Plan, 3. Attachment I - January 21, 2020 Planning and Development Board Package.pdf


An Ordinance Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida, Amending The City’s Adopted Comprehensive Plan By Amending The Potable Water Sub-Element Of The Utilities Element And Updating The Water Supply Plan In Accordance With Section 163.3177(6)(C)3, Florida Statutes.  (19-T-82)



Strategic Plan Focus

Resilience & Sustainability





Staff Recommends: Approval of the attached Ordinance.



Changes to Water Supply Plan Document between First and Second Hearing:

After the update to the Water Supply Plan was approved on May 20, 2020 (first public hearing), it was submitted to the review agencies as required by 163.3184(3)(b)2, FAC, under the Expedited State Review Process for Comprehensive Plan amendments. On July 2, 2020, the South Florida Water Management District provided comments regarding content and format of the original document. Those comments have been addressed in the final version of the Water Supply Plan. (Refer to Exhibit A. Deletions and additions are shown in RED strike through and BLUE underlined format respectively). The following sections of the document were modified:

                     Section 2.1 Potable Service Area (including subsections 2.1.1 and 2.1.2)

                     Section 2.2 Population Projections

                     Figure 2-1, Table 2-2, Table 2-3

                     Section 3.6 City of Hollywood Water Conservation Program

                     Table 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, Figure 4.2,

                     Section 6. Water Supply Capital Improvements

                     Section 7. Water Supply Goals, Objectives, and Policies:

o                     Subsection 7.3.2 (Objective 2, Policy 2.2 & Table 7-3, updated references and residential water use per capita); (Objective 4, Policy 4.9); (Objective 5, Policy 5.1 & Table 7.5);

o                     Subsection 7.5. Intergovernmental Coordination Element (Objective 4, Policy  4.9)


A new sub-section “3.7 Intergovernmental Coordination”, under Section 3 “Water Suppliers” was added to document the current communication and coordination efforts that the Department of Public Utilities maintains with its raw water provider (Broward County) and bulk water costumers.



Information submitted from first reading:

Pursuant to Section 163.3177(6)(c)3, Florida Statutes, local governments are required to update their Water Supply Work Plans and Comprehensive Plans within 18-months after the District’s Governing Board approves the Regional Water Supply Plan for that area.


The Regional Water Supply Plan for Southeast Florida is also known as the Lower East Coast (LEC) Water Supply Plan, which was approved on November 8, 2018.


In 2015, the City Commission passed and adopted Ordinance No. O-2015-05 which amended the City’s adopted Comprehensive Plan to add a new Water Supply Plan to the Potable Water Sub-Element and related amendments to modify objectives and/or policies in the Land Use Element, Conservation Element, Utilities Element, Intergovernmental Coordination Element and Capital Improvements Element for water supply planning.


The adopted Water Supply Plan characterizes water utilities serving the City’s jurisdiction and presents development of traditional and alternative water supplies, bulk sale agreements, and conservation and reuse programs that are necessary to serve existing and new development for a 20-year planning period while complying with regulatory requirements.


Hazen and Sawyer, on behalf of the Department of Public Utilities, completed the updates to the 2020 Water Supply Plan, which include characterization of the City of Hollywood’s service area, updating of population projections, development of water demand forecasts, evaluating adequacy of water supply sources, assessing of existing conservation and reuse efforts, documenting of capital improvements and water supply projects, and identification of Comprehensive Plan Goals, Objectives, and Policies.


The findings of the updated Water Supply Plan demonstrate that the City of Hollywood, with regards to permitted raw water allocation, existing treatment capacity and current and projected potable water production, is well positioned and has plentiful water supply to meet its development goals during and beyond the planning horizon of the year 2040.


The updated Water Supply Plan documents that the City of Hollywood is aggressively and pro-actively improving its existing and aged water distribution infrastructure but no capacity-related or water supply-related capital improvement projects are necessary within the planning horizon.


The updated Water Supply Plan establishes that the City of Hollywood continues to successfully implement water conservation efforts, which have assisted the City to reduce its per capita consumption from 127 gallons per capita per day (gpcd) (2008) to 113 gpcd (2018).


Pursuant to state law, the City of Hollywood Planning and Development Board, acting in its capacity as the Local Planning Agency, held a duly noticed public hearing on January 21, 2020 to review the proposed comprehensive plan amendments and have forwarded a recommendation of approval to the City Commission; and


The Administration recommends that the City Commission authorize the appropriate City Officials to adopt the proposed Ordinance amending the adopted Comprehensive Plan to modify the Water Sub-Element to include an updated Water Supply Plan.


Attachment I: January 21, 2020 Planning and Development Board Package.


Fiscal Impact:

Approval of this ordinance will not fiscally impact the City as this is a proposal for a to amend the Potable Water Sub-Element of the Utilities Element of the City’s adopted Comprehensive Plan,  and update the Water Supply Plan.



Recommended for inclusion on the agenda by:

Leslie Del Monte, Planning Manager

Vivek Galav, P.E., Director, Department of Public Utilities

Gus Zambrano, Assistant City Manager for Sustainable Development