A Resolution Of The City Commission Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida Appointing Three Members To The Planning and Development Board.
Strategic Plan Focus
Quality of Life & Strong Neighborhoods
Staff Recommends: Approval of the attached Resolution.
The mission of the Planning and Development Board is to promote development which integrates environmental protection and community economic goals; and furthers the welfare of people and community by creating convenient, equitable, healthful, efficient, and attractive environments for present and future generations.
The Board’s purpose is to make recommendations and decisions to better position the City for appropriate growth through a public hearing process, which promotes community input. Duties of the Planning and Development Board include review and consideration of developments requiring Waivers, Variances, Special Exceptions, Design and/or Site Plan, pursuant to Article 5 and 6 of the Zoning and Land Development Regulations (“ZLDR”) and Chapter 113 and 151 of the Code of Ordinances; to promote the use of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Guidelines and Strategies in order to reduce crime and fear of crime; and to consider any matter set forth in Article 11, "Adult Entertainment" of the ZLDR.
The Board also considers Appeals of administrative decisions relating to the Zoning Ordinance. Pursuant to F.S. § 163.3174, the Planning and Development Board also serves as the Local Planning Agency, enforcing and amending the Comprehensive Plan. In this capacity the Board reviews and recommends on petitions for change of Land Use and Zoning; assignment of Flex Units and Area; and Text Amendments to the ZLDR and Comprehensive Plan.
The Planning and Development Board consists of nine members, with four members from the Design category, three from the Professional category, and two from the Citizen category, as follows:
Design Member: Tara Jafarmadar
Design Member: Steven Morales
Design Member: Joseph Stadlen
Design Member: Andrew Yanowitz
Professional Member: Kenneth Crawford
Professional Member: David McLeod
Professional Member: Robert Vargas
Citizen Member: Richard Blattner
Citizen Member: Diana Pittarelli
There are currently three filled seats on the Planning and Development Board with terms expiring on June 30, 2024, and no vacant seats:
Design Member: Andrew Yanowitz
Professional Member: David McLeod
Citizen Member: Richard Blattner
Fiscal Impact:
Approval of this Resolution will not fiscally impact the City
Recommended for inclusion on the agenda by:
Anand Balram, Planning Manager, Development Services
Andria Wingett, Director, Development Services
Raelin Storey, Assistant City Manager