A Resolution Of The City Commission Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida, Approving And Authorizing The Appropriate City Officials To Issue A Purchase Order To Black And Veatch Corporation For City Works And Plantworks Software Implementation In An Amount Up To $204,975.00 Based Upon Contract Asset Management System RFP #36-22 In Accordance With Section 38.41(C)(5) Of The Procurement Code. (Piggyback)
Strategic Plan Focus
Infrastructure & Facilities
Staff Recommends: Approval of the attached Resolution.
The Department of Public Utilities (DPU) maintains and operates the Southern Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (SRWWTP), the Water Treatment Plant (WTP), and the Underground Utilities Division (UU), which maintains the sewer collection, water distribution, and stormwater management systems.
The DPU’s SRWWTP, WTP, and UU Divisions are responsible for operating, maintaining, and managing a complex array of infrastructure and assets that require constant monitoring and maintenance to provide optimal performance and operational efficiency.
After an extensive search and detailed evaluation of several specialized asset management systems, the DPU acquired City Works software with the Plant Works plugin.
This project was approved in December 2021 and initiated in January 2022. The Asset Manager overseeing the project departed from the City in September 2022. Following that manager's departure, the project experienced a 60% delay in the implementation of Phase 2, which was planned to include asset cost tracking and work order creation software. Black & Veatch Corporation (B & V) was on hold with the project until it resumed in June 2023 under the oversight of a new Asset Manager. The original documents for the project, including Consulting Agreement R- 2017-283, expired in December 2023.
The DPU is still desirous of adding the cost and work order software to improve operational efficiencies, planning, and cost management, and seeks to Piggyback another contract as there is no current general consultancy agreement with B & V. B & V is the sole source provider for the Plantworks Plugin.
The Department has determined the desired equipment was competitively bid by The City of Clearwater through solicitation Contract RFP #36-22, valid until October 31, 2026, and awarded to B & V.
Upon request of the DPU, B & V provided a comprehensive statement of work for the Phase II implementation of Cityworks software, which includes the stockroom integration, Rock Solid integration, and assistance with Oracle payroll integration in the amount not to exceed $204,975.00.
The Information Technology Department found the proposal to be in line with the city’s future Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) program.
The DPU recommends that the City Commission approve and authorize the Issuance of a Purchase Order to B & V for the continuation of Phase II implementation of asset management software in an amount not to exceed $204,975.00.
Fiscal Impact:
Funding for this purchase order was included in the amended FY 2025 Capital Improvement Plan and is available in account number 442.409901.53600.531300.001060.000.000. DPU Staff will oversee this project, no additional staff are needed as a result of this Resolution.
Recommended for inclusion on the agenda by:
Vincent Morello, Director for the Department of Public Utilities
Gus Zambrano, Assistant City Manager for Sustainable Development