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File #: R-2025-006    Version: 1 Name: Diplomat Resort and Country Club Plat Amendment
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 12/19/2024 In control: Engineering Division
On agenda: 1/15/2025 Final action: 1/15/2025
Title: A Resolution Of The City Commission Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida, Approving Amendments To The "Diplomat Resort And Country Club" Plat, As Recorded In Plat Book 158, Page 16, Of The Public Records Of Broward County, Florida, Located At 3210-3450 And 3451-3690 South Ocean Drive, Revising The Non-Vehicular Access Line Along The West Side Of South Ocean Drive; Amending The Concurrency Note To Clarify And Limit The Use Of The Platted Property.
Attachments: 1. Resolution Diplomat .doc, 2. Exhibit i - Site legal description.pdf, 3. Exhibit ii - Diplomat Resort and Country Club.pdf, 4. Exhibit iii - NVAL old and new.pdf, 5. O-2023-11.pdf


A Resolution Of The City Commission Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida, Approving Amendments To The “Diplomat Resort And Country Club” Plat, As Recorded In Plat Book 158, Page 16, Of The Public Records Of Broward County, Florida, Located At 3210-3450 And 3451-3690 South Ocean Drive, Revising The Non-Vehicular Access Line Along The West Side Of South Ocean Drive; Amending The Concurrency Note To Clarify And Limit The Use Of The Platted Property.


Strategic Plan Focus

Economic Vitality





Staff Recommends: Approval of the attached Resolution.




The “Diplomat Resort and Country Club” plat consists of four parcels, Parcels A to D, where Parcels A and B are along the east side of South Ocean Drive and Parcels C and D are along the west side of South Ocean Drive. This plat amendment request is related to Parcels C and D, located at 3210-3450 and 3451-3690 South Ocean Drive, legally described in the attached Exhibit “i” (“Property”).


While reviewing the plat the County requested clarification language in two areas (requiring City Commission re-approval):


-                     Concurrency Notation: More explicit breakdown in the type of units/rooms and restaurant/retail space.  This plat note amendment is consistent with previously approved Ordinances O-2019-25 and O-2023-10 (land use/PD amendment).


-                     Non-Vehicular Access Openings: Modifying the size of two of the openings, allowing full access for three of the openings and creating a new right-in opening.


The requested plat note amendment is consistent with Ordinance No. O-2019-10 and O-2023-25 (land use and master plan).




1. Concurrency Notation


The concurrency note is being revised as to the Plat:


From: “Parcels A and B-2 (as described on the attached Exhibit 1) are restricted to a 1,000-room hotel with an accessory 209,300 gross square foot (138,000 net square feet) banquet facility and 8,000 square feet of accessory retail within the hotel/banquet buildings. Parcel B-1 (as described on the attached Exhibit 2) is restricted to 135 high rise apartments. Parcel C and D are restricted to a 350-unit High Rise Apartments and a 500-room Hotel. Parcels C and D described on the attached Exhibit 3.”


To: “Parcels A and B-2 (as described on the attached Exhibit 1) are restricted to a 1,000-room hotel with an accessory 209,300 gross square foot (138,000 net square feet) banquet facility and 8,000 square feet of accessory retail within the hotel/banquet buildings. Parcel B-1 (as described on the attached Exhibit 2) is restricted to 135 units of high-rise apartments. Parcels C and D are restricted to 344 units of high-rise apartments, 6 townhouses, a 4,000 square feet restaurant, a 500-room hotel, and 74,000 square feet of retail use”.


Ordinance No. O-2023-10 was approved for the amendment to the Planned Development (PD) Master Development Plan for the Property to allow for the development of 350 Residential units, a 500 key Hotel and 4,000 square foot of Restaurant in accordance with Ordinance No. O-2019-25.


In summary, the below modifications are being requested by Broward County.


-    The 350 high rise apartments be reflected as 344 high rise apartments and 6 townhouses as the proposed development consists of six two-stories units along the Intracoastal Waterway.

-    Adding/including the proposed 4,000 square feet Restaurant use on the Plat.

-    Adding/including the existing 74,000 square feet Retail use to the Plat.


The requested plat note amendment is consistent with previously referenced approved Ordinances O-2019-10 and O-2023-25.


Item 2. Non-Vehicular Access Line:


The Plat amendment includes revisions to the Non-Vehicular Access Line along the west side of South Ocean Drive as described in the attached Exhibit “iii”. After the project team’s further review with the Florida Department of Transportation (“FDOT”), the following driveway access modifications are being requested:


-                     The third opening from the south is being changed from a 50’ left-out, thru-out, and right-out only opening to a 66’ full access opening.

-                     The fourth opening from the south is being changed from a 40’ right-out only opening to a 22.5’ right-out only opening.

-                     A new 23’ right-in only opening is being proposed between the existing fourth and fifth openings from the south.

-                     The fifth opening from the south is being changed from a 120’ right-in, left-in, and thru-in opening to a full access opening.


As South Ocean Drive is under the jurisdiction of FDOT, an FDOT Pre-Application Letter was obtained and provided by the Owner.


Staff has reviewed the plat amendment request and finds it remains consistent with the concurrency standards established for the Plat, and therefore recommends approval of the plat amendment.



Fiscal Impact:

Approval of this resolution will not fiscally impact the City.



Recommended for inclusion on the agenda by:

Clarissa Ip, PE, City Engineer

Andria Wingett, Director of Development Services

Raelin Storey, Assistant City Manager