An Ordinance Of The City Of Hollywood, Florida, Waiving The 10 Acre Minimum Acreage Requirement For A Planned Development District Pursuant To Section 4.15 E.1. Of The Zoning And Land Development Regulations; Changing The Zoning Designation Of The Property Generally Located At 3701 Hillcrest Drive From PUD-R (Planned Unit Development-Residential) To PD (Planned Development District); Approving The Planned Development (PD) Master Development Plan For The Subject Property; Approving A Variance; Amending The City’s Zoning Map To Reflect The Change In Zoning Designation. (18-DJPVZ-04a)
Staff Recommends: Approval of the Attached Ordinance.
The subject site is located within the Hillcrest Planned Unit Development as approved in 1976 and amended numerous times following the original approval. In 2000, the City Commission granted approval to amend the Hillcrest PUD to permit the use of office at the subject site and also designated the Land Use as Commercial Flex, to allow for non-residential uses. The Commission also placed a condition that the office use be limited to professional offices as defined in the Zoning and Land Development Regulations.
Through Staff evaluation, it was determined that the proposed uses for the building were too intense for the Planned Unit Development-Residential (PUD-R) zoning designation and were in conflict with the previous condition placed by City Commission, as such the Applicant proposes to rezone to Planned Development (PD). The current zoning designation of PUD-R as written in the code states this is a district that “permits a development which is comprised primarily of residential uses, but also upon approval, certain minimum nonresidential uses which are of supporting and complementary character.” As the uses requested by the Applicant are tailored to complement the adjacent Hospital community, rather than the residential community, Staff found that the nonresidential uses proposed did not meet the regulations and would not be permitted in the PUD-R zoning designation. The proposed uses would be better suited in a PD zoning district as it does not have this same restriction as PUD-R which limits non-residential uses. PUD-R and PD are similar in nature as both require final approval by the City Commission for uses and site development. The PD zoning designation simply allows the Applicant flexibility in possible uses that can be considered for City Commission approval. Along with the rezoning to PD, a Master Development Plan approval is required to ensure development will occur according to limitations of land use, site design, building coverage, and improvement standards. Staff recommends conditions to ensure that the uses moving forward are consistent with possible future approvals.
Furthermore, Planned Developments are required to contain a minimum of ten acres of land under unified control. However, this requirement may be waived by the City Commission. As the subject site is just under an acre, the Applicant is requesting a waiver of the ten acre minimum requirement. As there are adjacent “planned developments” and neighboring zoning designations the smaller site would not detrimental to the stability and appearance of the City.
Attachment I: March 14, 2019 Planning and Development Board Staff Report
Recommended for inclusion on the agenda by:
Leslie A. Del Monte, Planning Manager
Shiv Newaldass, Director, Development Services
Gus Zambrano, Assistant City Manager/Sustainable Development